Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

puisi karya ku

Restless in waiting for the certainty

Understood my beloved
When the heart began to weary
Nothing could I do
Because I just sepucuk leaf drought

I want you to know my beloved
What I feel when thee different

Sweet words you say ever seem to fade
When you ignore this self
I do not need your sweet words dear
Because I need you

Where did the joy that had once we pass
When we walked together without the burden

I'm not a doll dear
I'm to be alive, I'm alive
What am I alike prisoners released
Bound but free

Have you never feel what I feel every second
Restless waiting for the meaning of a certainty

created by siti nurkomalasai oktaviani

puisi ku

Gelisah dalam penantian

mengertilah kasih
saat hati ini mulai letih
tak ada yang mampu kuperbuat
karena aku hanya sepucuk daun yang kekeringan

aku ingin engkau tau kasih
apa yang kurasa disaat dikau berbeda

kata manis yang pernah kau ucapkan terasa memudar
saat kau acuhkan diri ini
aku tak butuh kata manismu sayang
karena yang aku butuh dirimu

kemana perginya keceriaan yang dulu pernah kita lalui
saat kita melangkah bersama tanpa beban

aku bukan bonekamu sayang
aku  bernyawa, aku hidup
apa aku ini bagai narapidana yang terlepas
terikat namun terbebas

pernahkah kau rasakan apa yang setiap detik kurasakan
gelisah menanti arti sebuah kepastian

          karya: Siti nurkomalasari oktaviani

b.inggris, siti nurkomalasari, 17212078, 1EA08


Production is one activity that is closely linked to economic activity. Production is an activity that is done to add value to an object or create a new object so it is more useful in meeting the needs. From the above function, the production includes production activities as follows: what to produce, how much quantity of production, when production is carried out, why a product is produced, and how the production process and who is producing?
Through the production process can produce a variety of items needed by humans. The production rate is also used as a benchmark assessment of the level of prosperity of a country. So do not be surprised if every country competed - Competition increase global production to increase per capita income.
I think the production is very important in the trade because it may affect the level of demand and supply of goods. But keep in mind production activities depends on the needs and habits of calculating a country's production and revenues. Production can be done either individually (individual) and group. The person or party who produced the goods referred manufacturers. The production of goods or services. In general, the production has the objective to produce goods and services, meeting the needs, benefits, and improve incomes.
To produce a product, it needs sufficient capital calculation. Besides the quality or the quality of the product is also very noteworthy. But the product quality can not be assessed from the companies that produce the goods and services it alone but of the people who use the products manufactured. Therefore all products manufactured for consumers will rely more on consumer interest.